de uithof, van johannapolder tot uithof September 1984, Historic Series Utrecht, part 4, A.W. Reinink 2011, ISBN 90 70482 18 5, Matrijs Publishers. Sold out.
Plan Summary Masterplan De Uithof (pdf) September 5, 2011, Art Zaaijer, Photographic update September 14, 2014. In English. The Dutch version can be found here.
Essay on Two Campuses Art Zaaijer elaborates on the essential characteristics of De Uithof and the campus of University College Utrecht.
Basic Landscaping plan, 3rd edition (pdf) July 2016, This plan (Dutch only) describes the qualities of the landscape that surrounds the built area of campus De Uithof in relation to the urban plan Koolhaas / Zaaijer. Author: DS Landschapsarchitectuur.
De Uithof, cultural historical analysis 'Rapport cultuurhistorische waarden De Uithof', 2017, SteenhuisMeurs. Full text (Dutch) can be read here (not for download).
De Uithof, natural values 2019, 3rdedition of the 'Natuurwaardenkaart' (Eelerwoude)