Groen voor rood Visie De Uithof


Compared to the 'stedenbouwkundig plan 1993, Koolhaas / Zaaijer' an extra 116.264 sq. mtr. was reallocated for green was introduced in the final version of the strategic vision (Oct. 2007), mainly by reducing earlier potential building plots, that was input for the urban plan 2010.

Rood voor Groen Visie De Uithof


Compared to the 'stedenbouwkundig plan 1993, Koolhaas / Zaaijer' an extra 75.764 sq. mtr. for building purposes was introduced in the final version of the strategic vision (Oct. 2007) that was input for the urban plan 2010. Clearly, the orange plots at the north of the area can be identified as later Science Park Development.

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