late 1970s

Agreement was reached on the location of the faculties of Physics, Mathematics, Veterinary Science, Dentistry and Medicine in 'De Uithof'. Problematic were the increased student numbers for the Faculty of Social Sciences. For this Faculty, a temporary facility ('Centrumgebouw Zuid', the present 'Langeveldgebouw') was developed with the intention that after five years in 'De Uithof', this Faculty could move back to the city centre. The Faculties of Arts and Law were to remain in the city. During these uncertain times several of the earlier building projects were finished: the building for Experimental Physics (1974), 'Transitorium 3 ' (the present 'Kruytbuilding') opened June 6th 1974 and on May 13th, 1975, Dentistry could officially use its new building (the later 'Wentbuilding', now demolished).

From Jan 1st 1975, the entire area of 'De Uithof' is formally part of the city of Utrecht only (with the exception of a small pasture, which remained part of 'Bunnik'). Within a few days it became clear that the city wanted to end the planning dispute concerning 'De Uithof' and started preparing a process of formal decision making. The head of urban planning of the city of Utrecht immediately used the preferred views of the University Council (plurilocation) to his own needs. He introduced the idea of using part of 'De Uithof' for residential purposes. The consequences were huge. Suddenly new discussion arose on the location of the Faculty of Medicin and the Academic Hospital. In the 1969 masterplan, these were supposed to be development on the south edge, but now the city wanted to build houses here. An alternative medical location, more to the east, near the Faculty of Veterinary Science was introduced by the bureau of 'Kuiper & Associates.' An independent committee, chaired by the former Minister of town and country planning, W.F. Schut, adopted these new views.

Since the city of Utrecht did not participate in this committee, some doubt was cast, but eventually the cabinet made its final decision in 1976. The city council as well as the University Board went along. The medical faculty and hospital moved to the east, and were built here in the 80s.

In August 1977 the Mayor and city administrators agreed upon a draft set of leading principles for the future layout of 'De Uithof'. The university community was uncertain and proposed to study a large number of variants. A planological project team was installed and eventually 15 short term and 31 long term studies were carried out. The project team was active from 1977 until 1979. Existing architecture was ignored or denied, future architecture deemed irrelevant. Creating relations at a human scale was considered most important. Radial connectivity was searched for, from the periphery to the centre by means of green wedges, visual lines and traffic infrastructure.

In March 1979, the project team published the results of the studies and favoured long term study number 11 (L11, see below). This study allowed for two residential areas, one near Dentistry at the former location of Medicine and a second near the 'Hoofddijk' fortification. In this model, just over 7.000 people could live in 'De Uithof'. The city council was positive, but the university council panicked and revoked the 1973 decision for plurilocation. 'De Uithof' should again be considered university territory without limitations to the expansion of the university and no residential areas should be developed.In 1980 this controversy ended fruitful cooperation between city and university for a great number of years.

At the time the University buildings 'Centrumgebouw Noord' (at present Sjoerd Groenmanbuilding), 'Langeveldgebouw' (at present Martinus Langeveldbuilding) and the building for 'Geoscience' were commissioned, designed in red bricks, and very much in line with 1970s views.

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